My May baby won't drink?

Anyone else's may baby refusing their bottle? My son has been on solids for around a month and always drank all his bottles with that. In the last week he's refusing his bottles and will only take solids. He's teething and I thought maybe it could be to do with his gums hurting? But whatever I try to ease the pain calpol/bonjella he still won't drink. The only bottle I get into him is the first bottle. He use to drink 7 oz bottles 5 times a day... now I get 6oz in his first bottle. 1 or 2 oz in his second, 2 oz in his 3rd and his forth he has about 5 and last about 3oz... I've tried to stop offering food to see if I can get the bottles into him but he kicks up a massive fight! Grabs his face screams goes bright red and I have to feed him instead because obviously he can't go hungry. Anyone else experiencing this? I'm going to the GP on Monday but just looking for some advice to try over the weekend? Thanks