I'm scared he doesn't love me 😖😢

I have been with my fiance for over seven years now. I love him so much with all my heart, but I don't think he feels the same. Long story short; I suffer with severe anxiety. I have lost count the amount of times it has hospitalised me now. He keeps saying he can't handle it. That when I'm down, I'm dragging him with me. He went to some group the other day and met some woman there who he now keeps bringing up, saying how happy and bubbly she is. I'm worried he likes he quite a lot. I know he hates me for the way I am. I've had a lot to deal with throughout life, like many others have. I have tried not to make what has happened to me define me, but that is all I feel I am now. He has judged me quite a bit during this relationship and that has also contributed greatly. He even compared me to his female friend a little while back, because she had lost her virginity at a later age than me. She too is a happy bubbly person and that just isn't me right now. He keeps speaking to me like dirt now and I know it's all because he can't handle who I am. I'm scared he doesn't love me any more. I'm sorry if any of this is confusing. I just need some advice ladies! Please! Please don't be nasty