

Okay girls I’m a newbie but I love reading all of your posts! Only problem, all the acronyms! Holy Moses! Haha it’s like learning a new language! I know ttc, we’ve been since June just as an if it happens it happens. I’ve figure out af (very different meaning then the way my students use it 😂 you can imagine the confusion there!) im finally on a normal cycle since removing my mirena. I had a cm (measurement term not mucus) of my cervix removed about 6 years ago and docs said it could be a little trickier. This being the first time since 17 I’ve Been off birth control Ive taken soooo many tests. I didn’t realize how badly I wanted it to happen until the doc at walk in thought uti symptoms might have been early pregnancy symptoms. Now I’m trying not to try too hard because I heard that can make it hard tc but it’s hard when my brain is completely baby brain.

Long story short I am taking all of your advice as soon as I can read it 😂😘😍