birth story


I was due on October 19th with baby #4. My first three kiddos all came early (36.6 weeks with first, 39 weeks with second, 38.5 wks with third) so I was expecting similar especially when I was told I was measuring 1 week ahead. During this pregnancy I had a few scares, one being that we were told there was a 40% chance of baby having trisomy 13. On October 18th I was scheduled to see my midwife for a normal weekly appointment. I decided to be checked again to see if I was progressing at all...I was so over being huge, swollen, and sore. Midwife said I was still around 3-4 cm dilated but 80% effaced, up from 70% the week before. She had planned to have me go one more week (41 weeks) before offering anything to get labor going, but she listened to my concern about a change in fetal movements. She offered to strip my membranes and then wanted to put me on the monitor for 20 minutes for a nst. After 20 min she was not seeing what she wanted so they had me go right in for an ultrasound. Baby looked good, but I was told my amniotic fluid was low... only a 3. At this point I was getting scared. I was told by the midwife that I would need to go get things together and get myself to the hospital asap so they could induce me. I got ahold of my husband and he got home and got things ready. As soon as I got home from the appointment we headed for the hospital. I got a room with a birthing tub and even though I never got to use the tub, it we nice to have a larger room since our three older children were there. I was told they would start me on pitocin to get things going a bit, but I expressed concern because I wanted one more unmedicated vaginal birth and I had heard bad things about being induced and needing a c-section. They decided to just break my water and see if that was enough. It was because 3 hrs later I was holding my baby. I did have to push 6 times to get him fully out because he was a big boy. Timothy George 9lbs 2oz 21.5" October 18, 2017 @10pm