Sleep paralysis


Bear with me on this cause it might be a long post! So ever since I had my baby 5 months ago I've been experiencing very strange dreams. here is an example of one. ---------------------------------------------------------------- This is the first one I ever had, I heard my daughter crying so I woke up, picked her up from her crib, fed her, went downstairs to get a drink only to realise that my house was completely empty, I don't what what made me realise I was still dreaming but once I realised it I went back upstairs got back into bed to "wake up" again. I went to sleep in my dream and woke up again, my daughter was in her crib still and fast asleep so I got up out of bed and walked to the bathroom. only to find that the bathroom didn't exist! at this point I was feeling very confused and scared, I went back to bed and back to sleep. I proceeded to wake up to my daughter crying but I couldn't move, I couldn't get out of bed! I couldn't move ant part of my body and I was terrified, i kept telling myself I'm still dreaming and screaming at myself to wake up, I finally did wake up but again.. this time I couldn't even open my eyes, I could hear but I couldn't see at all, it felt so so real, I thought I'd be stuck in my dream forever, I thought I was dead at One point and id never wake up.. I did wake up for real the next time though but I kept questoning if I was really awake. anyways this happens atleast once a week since I had my baby. it's not as scary anymore but sometimes I do still get stuck in a cycle of not being able to wake up for real. does this mean anything? it never happened before I had my daughter.