AF due 10/27


UPDATE: ok I could not wait any longer ladies I'm got my line I will test in a few days to confirm but I got it and ladies you all got this please keep us updated baby dust to all of u guys

hello need a waiting buddy it's driving me crazy so close yet so far planing to test on Tuesday any good tips to keep me sane. I've been feeling tired and my son started being more clingy all of a sudden he is going to be 2 in March and we have been ttc#2 for two months but in the last week he wakes up runs to our room and just wants to be with me. is it a sign does he know lol old wives tale I heard that if he is more attached it may be a girl but if he is distant it's a boy not sure if that is true what do you guys think I'll be posting my test in two days hoping food the best.

ladies keep me posted on your tests I can be a second pair of eyes if u need them :)