My first semi drunk experience


Boy sometimes I overreact and I want to punch my SO in his face. Like so freaking bad. But sometimes he does some stuff that make me fall more in love 😍. Like aw. So Saturday night my mom, her bf and I go to Spanish club. My moms and her man are Hispanic. But my dads black so yeah. Anyways, we haven't been out since almost a year ago to this club so we decide to go. My moms man buys beer and asks me if I want some, I say no until I give in. After 6 coronas I'm singing my heart out to como la flor - Selena in the freaking dance floor and then I'm salsaing with my mom after being a third wheel to her and her man the whole night. God. Just thinking about me dancing very tipsy is so gross. Anyways, my mom sees that I'm very tipsy and immediately says let's go home. I keep trying to reassure her that I'm not drunk cause I still have common sense by telling her that 2+2 =4. She doesn't care tho we're going home. Before we drive home (she doesn't drink so she drove us home) we stop by the hot dog stand and get hot dogs. I couldn't stop laughing at this point. Then we get in the car and my moms bf is playing the freaking tracks. Like ozuna, bad bunny all my face songs so I'm singing my heart out to these tracks omg. So we finally get home, I put on my pyjamas didn't wash my face nothing!! I wake up my lil bro and tell him to come sleep with me cause I didn't wanna sleep by myself. Then my bf texts me to see if I'm home yet and as soon as I see his name I remembered I had a boyfriend and now suddenly my brain wants to sleep with my bf. So I call him and he's like "what I'm sleeping" I'm like "come sleep with me" and all he says is "no" and boom I start crying like I've never cried before. He's like are you being serious and I'm like all I want is for u to come sleep with me u keep me warm at night blah blah blah. Meanwhile my poor little brother is so freaked out laying beside me he goes and gets me ice cream and something to drink and tries to calm me down. When I get up to eat the icecream I see that I ruined my all white sheets with my freaking make up that I never took off. I cried even more cause now my poop looking ass make up ruined my sheets after I tried to hard to keep them white as fuck. And then I have my boyfriend on in my ear talking about how he's gonna come but I know he's lying so I'm telling him that. He's like "I'm not lying" then he hangs up and won't answer so I'm crying and mad cause he's ignoring me and lying to me but he really did show up at 3:00in the morning. He called my moms bf to come check on me and he tells my bf to go shower me in cold water. But I say no cause I was just finishing my period and I didn't want him to see that. So anyways he puts me in back in my bed that I ruined and pats/rocks me to sleep. I wake up at 8:00 and he's just there watching me telling me to go back to bed loll. He later on tells me that I scared him I've never been in a state like that before. Poor baby did not get any sleep at all watching over me lol. He told me how his dad got mad at the fact that he made a girl get him out of his bed at 3 in the morning. (His dad heard my screaming and crying on FaceTime and came to see what was wrong, they come from Jamaica and they're so like blah when it comes to emotions for women) I'm so happy he came lol omg them coronas fucked me up. I wish I could post the voice notes I sent him. I told him to be a dick for Halloween cause he didn't need to buy a costume to be one lolll then I kept dying of laugh saying whatever major loser lol 😂