My roller coaster ride of a labor

Brittany • Proud mommy of a baby boy with a cleft lip and palate 💙👶🏽👪 8/26/17

So I know this is two months late but I figured I'd tell write out my birth story just for fun. (It's super long because my labor was almost 3 days long)

So august 24th I went into my regular midwife appt at a day shy from 38 weeks. Checked my blood pressure and it was really high so my midwife sent me over to triage. Was evaluated for a couple hours but had protein in my urine so they diagnosed me with preeclampsia and wanted to induce me. They sent me home that night because L&D; was packed to the gills. They scheduled me for 3pm the following day. I go in they place my IV and the nurse missed a few times and blood went gushing everywhere lol. They check me and I'm only 1cm dilated and not effaced at all 😞 so I'm like are you serious?! They place the cervadil then the contractions started a couple hours later. They were coming fast and hard. Ezra's heart rate started to have decals so they removed it and started me on pitocin. I was in awful pain from the cervadil not having s good reaction with my body and only the top of my stomach was contacting nonstop so I asked for the fentanyl and I was feeling good for 15 minutes and would quit working so I asked for the 1st epidural (wrong thing to do lol). All went great with that one! Was feeling extra numb got a few hours of sleep. The next shift came on at 7 in the AM. Still was only 1 cm 😞 but then I felt like I was peeing myself... I kept telling the nurse cuz I thought my catheter came out. They check and it was actually my water so at this point we gotta speed up the process of labor. They decide to place the dreaded foley bulb with pitocin. Oh lord I was in so much pain at that point I wanted to get an other epidural because the previous one had slipped out and the nurse I had was old school and a bitch and made me feel bad about wanting it. I also didn't want to get up and walk around cuz I felt lip my hips were splitting in half and she went and told on me to the midwife 😑 the midwife comes In and basically scolds me for not wanting to walk so I'm like okay whatever I will so I took a hot shower. I get out and They hooked me up to pitocin again and at that point I thought the devil took over my body lol I was wanting to get another epidural so bad but I didn't want to hear it from the stupid nurse so I waited for shift change. Once that new nurse came I told her I wanted it and she was the nicest nurse and made me feel very comfortable and obeyed the devil in me and got me what I wanted. By the time the anesthesiologist got there I was shaking in pain not able to see straight all along with my heart rate raising. So they place the epidural and my heart rate raises to 170bpm and they start panicking but trying to keep me calm at the same time. He poked me 3 times before he got it in a place where it didn't shoot up my heart rate. The foley bulb falls out at that point and they come back 2 hours later and I'm at 8cm with pitocin continuously running. I tell my boyfriend to call my mom cuz you never know how long it could take to get to 10 cm and it was 2 in the am. So she gets there and we're waiting till about 5 I'm finally at 10cm!! 🙌🏻 they give me the go to start pushing. I was having contractions back to back with no time in between I was constantly pushing. I pushed for 2.5 hrs before they call the Dr. Dr comes in and says we're going to try the vacuum and they take my catheter out to do it. At this point I was delirious and was just like whatever GET HIM OUT! So they do it twice and the Dr says. He's stuck under your pelvic bone we need to take you to the back and I have a moment of panic because the thought of being awake during surgery terrifies me. So meantime they are getting me and my SO ready and putting the catheter BACK in and they try to sit me up like you casually sit on a chair and I'm in so much pain but I can't stop pushing. I also was so hot I had a fever because I got chorio which is an infection of the uterine lining because they left him in there to long after my water broke. They finally wheel me back and cut me open and I could feel them yank at Ezra 3 times really hard because he was stuck in my birth canal then I hear him cry and I start balling. Although it was crazy I just wanted to see my baby but they didn't show him to me till 10 mins later and I was so sad. My SO comes over and tells me how beautiful he was and I was worried about his cleft and if his palate was affected. As they were putting all my organs back in place and stitching me up I started to feel it and they gave me more meds. So they wheel me into recovery and I'm shaking profusely from the c-sections meds. It was such a crazy ride. I didn't even get to see Ezra in the nicu till that night and didn't get to hold him till days later. I had a rocky recovery as well and they gave me a blood transfusion for my low iron. Well that's it. If you read this far omg you deserve an award lol 66 hours of labor, 3 catheters, 4 failed epidurals and an emergency c-section but I'd do it all over again.