HELP can't orgasm with partner


Hi! I've been with my incredible boyfriend for over a year. He's my first, and we've been having sex since last year. It all feels amazing and I love having sex with him, but I can't cum even if he goes down on me or pokes me and I'm ashamed to say I've been faking it :( i think he suspects that they're not real but I've sworn that they are because I'm so embarrassed. It's not him, it's my body. I've always masturbated in the same way- on my hand while I lie on my stomach. I can orgasm easily this way by myself, but not easily other ways by myself. I really need help as I want to orgasm with him and the guilt is cutting me up :( how can I reach orgasm in other ways, and with my bf? Should I also stop watching porn? Thanks in advance xxx