At 36 weeks and 2 days on Monday the 16th of October my water broke at 9:23 am

At 36 weeks and 2 days on Monday the 16th of October my water broke at 9:23 am . I got scared didn’t know what was happening because I’m a first time mom I called my mom crying explaining to her she told me to calm down my water broke. Then she came and got me and the baby Dad and went to the hospital. I was only 1/2 centimeter dialated and they moved me down stairs to labor and delivery they were going to induce me if they could get the epidural in because I have two rods and 24 pins in my back so they tried the epidural twice and couldn’t get  it so I had a c section at 3:53 pm my baby girl Layla Ann courtright was born 5 pounds 11 oz 18.5 inches long no health problems or no needing to stay in the nicu there is my story