My best friend has been backstabbing me for 5 years!

Okay so, I’ve always been the type of person who has like, 2 close friends and then just a whole lot of other friends. But, I had one BESTfriend, who I’ve recently foudn out has been soreading rumours and telling everyone my personal business for (get ready) FIVE YEARS.

So my so called “best friend” has caused me to lose SO many relationships and friendships through lying and telling everyone my personal business (stuff like my sex life) and I had no idea until I met my now good friend who told me everything.

I can’t believe how long it’s taken me to realise but my question is what do I do?

Ive completely cut all ties with her because honestly, I forgave her but I’m not stupid I will never trust her again.

We’ve had many fights over her “accidentally” spilling my stuff right in front me before, but I’ve just found out she’s been doing it behind my back?

I feel like I have no one to trust now, other than my boyfriend, but i feel kind of lonely because i need girl talk too, what do I do?