Can't pump during the day....

So instead of pumping like I should be, here I am posting on the app and holding my 2 month old. How do you mom's that stay at home pump? I'm trying to do it every 3 hours because that's when he eats, but then he's fussy and I cant get to it. He falls asleep, but of course as soon as I lay him down his little eyes pop back open and I can't hold him while pumping. Right now on a good day I'm getting 3 pumps in a 24hr period and my supply is down to nothing (3 weeks I used to produce 8oz a session, now 1oz if I'm lucky). I'll put him in his swing, or on a pillow next to me, but in the 30min it takes to get my measly oz. it never fails he'll start crying. I'm thinking of throwing in the towel because let's be real, pumping sucks, and I have to give him so much supplemental it's like he's on formula anyway.