Worst. Date. Ever

The worst date I ever had was a tinder date (of course).

We met at a bar and things were alright until I went to the restroom and broke the zipper on my jeans, what’s worse is that I was wearing a crop top so there was no escaping this one. I had to cover the zipper with my clutch and go back to tell my date what had happened, since I lived around the corner he offered to go back with me so I could change clothes and then we would go back out.

Seems like a nice plan right?

Lol nope.

We got back to mine, at the time I had no plans on us spending the night so I hadn’t *prepared* myself (down there).

I switched outfits and when I found him he was half naked on my bed.

Being partially drunk and thinking what the hell I ran back into my bathroom to tidy things up and whilst I was shaving I caught myself on the razor and it cut 😭

There was blood everywhere but once it had stopped I was still up for it until he got his *friend* stuck in his zipper and we ended up with a trip to the hospital.

Safe to say we haven’t stayed in touch since.

This can’t be the worst date ever, can it? I need to hear embarrassing stories guys!!!!