Anger problems? 🙄

More of a rant than anything. I cannot maintain my anger anymore holding back isn’t an option I feel bad for the people I lash out on. I had a miscarriage back in June I’m trying to be happy for others but recently two of my close friends are pregnant I’m happy for them but it doesn’t seem like they care about what happened one continues to brag about it and bring it up every second she has... I watch her kids every week, I’m trying so hard to hold back on yelling because I definitely know it’s not the answer when watching kids, but it is becoming the hardest thing. I’ve lashed out on my husband countless times at this point he doesn’t take any offense to it he just pushes it off and I apologize later over it. I used to never be an angry person, I’m usually the person to keep people from being angry and always joking around because I never want people mad. But I’ve been mad I always ask if someone’s okay but no one ever asks the same with me...