Infertility struggles

Hayley • 25, mommy to Milo 👦🏻💙 and Ollie 👶🏼💗

I’m a fraternal twin and therefore have an increased risk of having fraternal twins of my own. Growing up I guess I always figured that meant I was hyper fertile? Like I would be that person that looks at a penis and get pregnant kind of thing. After struggling to get an iud I was sent in for an HSG test for a suspected unicornuate uterus and they discovered my tubes were reeeeally blocked, and they weren’t able to get them unblocked during the test, even after extra dye (that was really fun 😒). In November I see a fertility specialist to find out what my options are and how much they’ll cost, but it’s been really hard for me to emotionally deal with not being able to get pregnant. After going through my entire life being told I have to be careful because if I accidentally get pregnant I could end up having twins, to now being told I can’t have kids without a doctors help is really shocking and difficult. I want so desperately to be a mom, I genuinely feel like it’s what I am meant to do with my life.

Anyone else feeling this? 😞