Disconnected-long post ahead sorry


I am 10 weeks PP and I feel like the irritability/hormones I guess should be evening out but it just keeps getting worse. I am feeling so incredibly disconnected from my husband (who unfortunately to make matters worse is overseas). Like I’m really struggling & he is not helping. He is dramatic, complains about how tired he is (when I know for a fact that he only does one day of work a week and gets to go to the gym, sleep, eat, play his playstation for the rest of the week), when he sees pictures of our baby he is like oh I’m so glad he only looks like me (which is becoming less and less true) and when I say ohhh but he’s got my brown eyes he gets all pissed off like Idk why it is such a slap in the face but I’m just over here like 🤷🏻‍♀️??? He is constantly trying to confront my family for god knows what reason since he wanted me to move back home while he’s gone. He is just all about him, and I’m too busy being all about our kid to fight with him all the time because literally everything is a fight. I sent him a picture of me as a baby and our little boy side by side and he responded with you look like megamind (from that Disney or Pixar movie). He told me I couldn’t spend anymore money because he wants to be able to buy a new truck and a full sleeve when he gets back and if he didn’t have the money to do that stuff then he would be “so fucking pissed”. And all I ever spend money on is our baby. I feel so kicked while I’m down because he says things like that all the time.. Am I being irrational?? How do I get over resentment toward him??