So I’ve noticed lately that I haven’t been feeling as though I’m “on my path”, or living life to the fullest, and quite honestly, enjoying it really much at all. I’ve been feeling for a while now that I’ve just been flat out bored with everyday life and the monotonous routine I seem to be stuck in - it’s a horrible feeling. I am 22, and for the past couple years I feel like I haven’t been really living what are supposed to be the best years of my life at all.

The two factors I’ve pinned as the reason I feel this way are 1. my job, and relationship. Starting with the job part...I get up everyday to work a job that I quite honestly hate - I find it extremely boring even though the pay is good, and everyday I feel I have to literally push myself every hour to get through the fucking day, never mind the week. I find myself calling in literally at least every other week just because I can’t bring myself to be there another day because I am just so bored of it. Sometimes I even feel like I have to force myself out of bed, even on weekends and it takes literally all my energy to build myself up enough to do so because I feel I have nothing to look forward to.

As for my and my man have been together just over a year now, as of last month. We work at the same job, which isn’t too overwhelming as it is a warehouse job and it’s only once in a while we cross paths there. We both make $19.15 an hour. The thing is is that we don’t get out much together, because he is always pretty much out of money as he pays his parents $500 a month to live there, and then pays to play hockey as well. Also other expenses. He hasn’t got his liscence, so that limits us as to where we can go and when, etc. I love him very much but I have started to wonder if I am being held back by the relationship, as if I was single there would be lots of men willing to take me out and have a good time. I’m also very attractive. My boyfriend also has a bit of a drug habit that keeps him strapped for cash as he indulges on the weekend. He is 35+ years old, lives with his parents still, and as I said doesn’t have his liscence even though it is attainable for him. I am feeling very exhausted with him...I feel like if I don’t light a fire under his ass he won’t make any moves to better his situation...and he’s admitted it to me too. It is a huge pressure to me and I wonder how long will I continue to have hope before another year goes by that I feel I’ve wasted. Help please!!!! I feel if I wasn’t with him I would be having the experiences I crave...and maybe even escorting on the side of my job to get myself to the place I want to be financially...the amount of money I have wasted is stupid. I just want to feel unstuck...please don’t judge.