Is this real life?!?

Diane • Married to my best friend. Mother of 2 👼🏻 babies and two 😺 babies. Pregnant with our 🌈 TWINS!

After a d&c; on 12/22/16, a natural miscarriage on 8/30/17, and being told by my fertility doctor that my FSH and AMH numbers were not good I kind of lost all hope. The plan was to start an <a href="">IUI</a> with my next cycle and if that failed start <a href="">IVF</a>. The meds were delivered today since I am supposed to get my period tomorrow. Something told me to take a test and...

I don't want to be excited since both previous pregnancies ended in a loss but is this a strong positive on the first response test or am I just being hopeful?!? Neither of the first two pregnancies gave me a line close to that dark! And the easy at home tests didn't even show up positive in August and tonight I got that! I hope this is a good sign and the third time is a charm! Hubby and I really want to meet our rainbow baby!

I also bought this about a week and a half ago because I saw someone post it on here and fell in love. I hope we can put it to use in 9 months! 😊