All my dreams and wishes came true!


Where to begin this 9 month journey?

I started this pregnancy off on the wrong foot!

I was sick for the first 4 months and then found out I had gestational diabetes, had to use insulin which really upset me. But to make sure we were both happy and healthy I did what was needed. so gearing down to the bitter end I assumed I would have to have a csection due to my gb but was told we could go ahead and try natural... so with stars in my eyes I was excited I was going to be able to experience this natural birthing process.

So at my 38 week appt my ob says with your gb we typically don't let you go past 39 weeks gestation. So I'm thinking great your gong to make me have a natural birth by inducing me? How is any of that natural?

So fast forward to Friday night they have me go into the hospital to insert cervadil it's in for not even 4 hours and they remove it because I'm contracting and made it to 2cm I'm thinking this is going to be quick. Well was I ever wrong, 9am they break my water and found meconium(baby pooped inside). By 10 I was given small amounts of oxytocin and by 11 I was given an epidural! Has anyone told you how wonderful that is? (Didn't hurt contractions felt worse then getting an epidural).

From 11-1 I went from 2 cm to 4 I'm thinking not to bad then I go from 1pm-5pm only to have just gotten to 5 cm🙄so sloooow...

So another 3 hours went by and I only progressed to just barely 6cm, so they said we need to get this baby out as it had been almost 12 hours. They prepped me for the OR and had my husband come in and within 10 min our baby girl was born!

Saturday October 21st at 11:51

Weighing 7lbs 2oz and 19.25inchs long! My baby, my girl, my world is here!!