Weight concerns

Caitlin • 💙🧒 Jun 17 💜👧 Jul 19 💛 Aug 21

Hi all, my little one just has his 4 month check up this week and some concerns were raised about his weight gain. When he was born, he was a big baby! Everything was well above average - his head circumference was in the 95th percentile!!! Up until his last appointment, his weight gain, height and head circumference were tracking as expected. Then...he only put on 300g in 2 months. He should be up to 8kg but is only 6.7kg. He is exclusively breast fed, demand fed, always slept through the night and is a super happy baby. There are no other developmental delays, his height and head circumference are still above average, and he still looks healthy. Has anyone else experienced a plateau in weight gain, or issues with their little one gaining weight in general? I would love to hear how you managed it, potential causes, issues, etc. We have to go back in a week just to check he isn't loosing weight. I keep thinking I must be doing something wrong, but I can't work out what...