Hashimoto's and just started TTC


Hey everyone :) I'm new! My husband and I started trying this month. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's about 2 years ago. Looking back, I had symptoms for YEARS. Every doctor thought I was depressed, but it turns out my hormones were out of wack. My TSH was 9.5 when first diagnosed and my antibodies were 900. Things are now under control! It took several months of ups and downs before getting everything right and it is a roller-coaster. I definitely feel alone about the struggles because it really is an "invisible illness" and hard for others to understand. We wanted to start trying a few months ago so I had my TSH tested and it was around 6 so I had to wait to get it down. Now it's 3.5 and go time! My endocrinologist said that's a good number to start ttc but I have read information online that you want it below 2.5. Anyway, just looking for support and other women going through similar struggles. Thanks everyone!