Birth Story...induction at 39 weeks 2 days!


We are home! So I am deciding to write my simple and short birth story 😂

We scheduled to be induced Monday Oct. 23 at 5:00AM.

My husband and I went into the hospital at 5:00am. They immediately got things going! I was impressed how fast they got me admitted, the IV going and by 6:00am I had pitocin going and being upped every 30 minutes.

At first baby was doing well on the pitocin, but once contractions kicked up a bit his heart rate dropped to 107 which worried them, so I was put on oxygen to see if that would wake him up a bit. And it did! Once his heart rate was back up to 115-120 and I was 3 1/2cm I decided to get the epidural before they upped my pitocin again as at that point (730am) the contractions where getting rather painful!

I got the epidural and then the nurses let me be for a few hours. I was comfy and hanging out waiting for baby until 12:45 when I felt a big thump in my butt. It was the weirdest feeling ever! The nurse checked me and I was 10cm and babies head was almost popping out!

My nurses and dr rushed to get ready for baby boy!

10 minutes and 4 pushes later he was out!!

Easiest labor and delivery ever!!

Seager was born at 1:02pm on Oct. 23

7lbs. 3oz.

19 1/3 inches long!

Perfect and healthy baby boy!

We spent 24 hours in the hospital after his birth and got to go home! I don’t know how I got so lucky!