My Birth Story


I finally am getting around to writing it, I never really told anybody how it went so writing it now is bringing back so many memories!!

I was originally due July 23, but they changed my due date to the 17th. I went into preterm labor at 36 weeks & was put on bedrest. 😶 Well I was nesting so I stayed home but I did busy myself & organize over & over again. 😛 July 7th is when I wanted to give birth (How cute would 7-7-17 be!?), but I had no signs. However, that night at 8:30-9 I couldn’t sleep as I was having contractions & felt uneasy. I finally fell asleep after drinking some water & relaxing.. I woke up 4:30 to a splash & floooooood of water. I’m not exaggerating when I say a floooooood. 3 days prior, they had scheduled an induction for the 11th because I had polyhydramnios & scary high blood pressure. I had about 10cm more fluid then I should have when they diagnosed me so that’s why the scheduled the induction. I woke up & instantly had an anxiety attack cause i’m a scaredy cat & was terrified of labor. 😂🤚🏼 I decided to take a shower & get fresh before we left. I ended up leaving at 5:30 when the contractions were getting bad. I arrived at 6 am & for admitted. They checked me & I was at 4 cm. I refused the epidural & they moved me to my delivery room. They gave me meds through the IV to help with pain so I just took a nap. I woke up to a KILLER contraction & they checked me & I was at 8. I waited it out 30 more minutes until 9 am. I then caved in & got the epidural at about 9:10. The epidural made me shake almost uncontrollably but I wasn’t cold. I told the nurses to leave me alone & let me take a nap which I did until 10. They woke me up to check me & I was at a 10!!!! My nurse Ashley asked me to try some practice pushes so I did. After 2 sets of practice pushes she was about to come out so they called my doctor & he ran in. 2 more sets of pushes with him & she was out.. She was 6 pounds 10 ounces and 19 inches long. Sooooo perfect!!

I was really surprised with how well I did. Being only 17 & 100 pounds before pregnancy, my body took it like a champ.. No tearing, no complications.. 3 days later I was back down to my normal figure/shape & a week after that I had no bleeding! Ladies, our bodies do AMAZING things and are capable of SOOO much! Don’t doubt yourself!!

This is my little princess Avyana Leigh-Anne..