Advice need

I have been married almost 4 years I got married really young at 16 my husband was 18 at the time my mom gave me permission to get married I have a adorable son that I love and expecting my second I love my husband I'm happy with him we have been through so much but sometimes I feel like I missed out so much of my teenage years I had a couple of bf before meeting him. But was never nothing serious but now I see guys I used to go to school with and I find them attractive I have never cheated on my husband and I'm not planning on do it but I hate having this feeling of thinking about other guys and imagining how it would have been if I would have dated them i know I'm wrong for thinking about guys like that my husband is kinda jealous but not so much he is really different from me I'm more of a pretty time person his just more serious likes playing games and stuff like that but again I'm happy being my his side just sometimes it get to me that i should have waited in getting married. I'm always with my husband I don't go out with friends or anything I'm a stay at home mom my husband try's to give me everything he can