Stay at home mommy, wife & pregnant!



So I'm 25, recently married in January. I am 29 weeks pregnant, and my husband & I have a 12 month old. Little background on me:

This is my third pregnancy. And third child. I delivered a sweet baby girl 10-9-2015 perfectly healthy. Unfortunately, we lost her to SIDS November 4th 2015. We suffered a very heavy heavy death and trauma from that. But my husband and I pushed through and manage. We tried for another baby not to replace Khloe, but bc we so desperately wanted to be parents. As our entire routine was adjusted to that lifestyle. We got cleared from the doctor to try again, I got pregnant 3 months post partum. Sweet little Makenzie! Born 10-5-2016 ♥️ she is now 1. I was on birth control and concieved this baby at 7months post partum. lol So I am now expecting baby Milania January 11th. But we are very happy and excited. we tried to prevent it, but it obviously happened for a reason.

Anyway, my husband works and brings home the money, I stay at home with our little girl & soon our newest addition. I feel as if I have let myself go!! My husband always tells me he thinks I'm beautiful and sexy. And he's attracted to me. But I feel down about myself. I'm young, ya know. I still wanna feel young, but I don't regret being a mama. Because I absolutely love it. But I used to be the girl to always have her nails done, hair done, makeup on even if I had nowhere to go. Does anyone else go through a phase where they feel like this? They feel so overwhelmed they forget about themselves? How do you make yourself feel special and pretty again? I wanna feel like more than a mom and a wife. I WANNA BE A FUCKING MILF 😂😂 lmao This picture below is me on a good day!! lol