My birth story

Jay • New mommy to baby boy Theo!

My marathon labour began on Wednesday the 18th of October with regular contractions which became 5 minutes apart regularly right before midnight, me and hubby decided to head to the hospital even though the contractions were not very painful for me. I was told I was 1.5 centimeters dilated - which was exciting because the day before I was only a finger tip. The hospital kept me for monitoring for 4 hours, as contractions were consistent but not intense and my dilation didn't change, then we were sent home.

I continued to labor at home all day on the 19th still with the consistent but manageable contractions. I kept between the bath and shower most of the day as it was painful to lie down in any position. By midnight once again I was ready to head to the hospital, hubby was afraid we would be sent home again and would be even more exhausted (keep in mind I have not slept since Tuesday night). So I let him sleep a couple hours but by 4 am the contractions were getting too painful and I was exhausted. I woke him and he took me to the hospital, now I was at 4 centimetres! This was enough to admit me and start discussion about meds to help me manage.

I was planning a natural birth but by this stage my plans were just not realistic, my body was just too tired. I was offered morphine and nearly accepted until I learnt that it would only last 4 hours and it would cross the placenta. At this point, now 6 am, I decided to go with an epidural instead. It took the guy 4 tries to get the needle in my back proper - scariest moments of my life! Luckily no complications as a result except a big bruise on my back!

The epidural was bliss, it did slow my progress but it helped me manage the next 18 hours it took to get me to 10 centimetres. I laboured with the shakes on hands and knees for hours!! The doctor was nervous the baby was too big for my pelvis or was sunny side up and this was what was causing the delays.

By the time the pushing started I was exhausted, I begged my nurse for help and she said push with your life for one hour and then I will have the doctor consider vacuum or forceps intervention. So naturally I pushed with my life and once I felt that burning sensation of the baby crowning I had a huge burst of energy and got him out in 4 pushes! During this time I made all sorts of crazy noises, yelled at my mom to get off her phone 😂, yelled at hubby to push my foot harder during pushing😂, and told them to yell the 10 second pushes😂 whatever gets the job done right!?

And my surprise baby turned out to be a beautiful healthy BOY! My hubby was ecstatic, everyone cried - nurses included!

I was left with only a small labia tear that only required 2 stitches and 2 pretty serious hemorrhoids. The nurses thought this was amazing considering my babe was 9lb 15oz!

I honestly would not change a thing about the process, except maybe the first time we went to the hospital, I would just give advice to other FTM to rest as long as you can!! ❤

Good luck to the rest of the ladies still waiting for your babies! Enjoy your miracles!!