I feel wrong, please help


My boyfriend and I broke up a week ago and I was fooling myself into thinking I was over it I spent a year and 10 months of my life accommodating him trying to get him to see that I needed that same effort and it never happened so I gave up. That night I went out drank and partied, a guy who was a bartender at my local pub asked what was going on so I told him being that he knew my parents he since latched onto me from that night and we spoke almost every day since that point. Red flag number one should have been that he was angry with me when I was going to see my ex to try and work things out, when it's none of his business and I didn't even know him for longer than 3-4 days. Red flag number two should have been after a night of drinking he was asking me to come back to his place and drink more telling me we could have fun, I'm just 18 and he is 23 I refused this offer and that should have told me that I really wasn't over my ex and maybe I was masking the pain with the attention from this guy. Fast forward to 3 days ago he adds me on snapchat we talk he hits on me calls me beautiful I enjoy the attention and compliments don't shut down the advances because after all I had specified about the break up and only wanting friends. I end up in a very vulnerable state of mind and I sent him some pictures that now I feel extremely sick about and guilty. There was no nudity but they were suggestive and it went on for 2 days or so we today is day 3 of snapchatting and I told him I'm giving my ex a chance at a date because I'm not over him and I want to give us the chance to work things out which again none of his business but I knew I had lead him on at that point and I thought I'd be courteous, he flipped out and said he was confused because he thought we had a connection and I have been sending mixed signals. I apologised and said I was in a very bad state of mind and I was vulnerable and we just should have stayed friends but I can't shake the feeling that I have the sick feeling in my stomach. I told my ex all this because if we are gonna fix us it has to be all honesty, he's mad because he says this guy took advantage of my mental state and he knows what he did but I don't know.