So I feel real lost. I’m a woman with so much potential , i can do anything if given a chance .I went to school overseas and I have a bachelor in community development , it is so hard here in the US , at least for the state I’m in to get a job. I attended so many workshops ,applied job in different websites with no luck. I thought I needed more education and I’m now kinda blank as what to go for to make money ! I currently work shitty jobs minimum wage so I could afford my family . I’m currently 3 months pregnant. It’s a blessing but I’m overwhelmed I’m happy but not happy. My husband is one of the least motivating people! His mother is encouraging me into beings stay home mom and do babysitting ! That’s a no no for me bcos I worked so hard for my education coming from poor family . I’m just sad and I’m now 30 I feel like mylife is hitting the rock bottom as I don’t know what to do with mylife anymore! I’m loosing hope man . I have no one to express how I feel . Seeing all my classmates being successful on social media makes me feel disconnected from the successful carrier world. If anyone has been in my shoes how did you make it. Any kind advice , opinion , help . I’m in Massachusetts .