Could I be pregnant and still have a period?!


So from like the end of April up until middle of August I was having unprotected sex and not on BC. The beginning of August I started BC. I have a regular AF every month and it stayed regular when I started my BC. I’ve always had really bad PMS I’m talking bloated, sore back, the whole nine. since about right before I started my BC I was PMSing but, was also feeling nauseous and had some dizziness going on. I usually feel like that when I know I haven’t had any water in several days but, I had been drinking water. So after a few days of feeling like this plus a headache I went to the urgent care. I asked about taking a pregnancy test cause everyone I told how I was feeling said pregnancy. The doctor said she was thinking the same thing but I had just ended AF but I took a test just to be sure and it was neg. Now I usually get those same symptoms before AF every month. I’ve also gained weight and it seems like my boobs keep getting bigger. I’ve went up a cup size could I be preg?