Nervously waiting...


Just need to vent a little bit! My first son was born in May of 2015. I was induced at 38 weeks for low amniotic fluid and gestational hypertension. As soon as they told me I was getting induced a large part of my fear went away. I was able to wrap my mind around the fact that yes, he's coming and it will be on this day (turns out inductions can take a while--3 days for me.) Regardless, the fear of not knowing where or when labor would strike was gone. Fast forward 2 years and I am a few days shy of 38 weeks. Crapping my pants because I hate not knowing. I hate wondering if the breathtaking cramp I'm having is turning into something more or if it's just another bought of Braxton hicks. Because I am not having any of the issues that happened in my previous pregnancy they are letting him to healthily grow. Don't get me wrong-- I want this bird fully cooked but the anticipation is KILLING me. Not to mention, he's measuring large (2/3 weeks ahead) so that's weighing heavily on my mind too. Anyway, thanks for reading--just need to get my frustrations out there and I'm sure I'm not the only one in this boat-- first time, second time, umpteenth time mammas.