Just a Crush...


Okay so I'm 14 years old, soon to be 15 this year in December. I'm currently in 9th grade and during the first day/first week of school I saw a very attractive guy. I don't think I've ever seen anyone quite as attractive as him. immediately my heart feels like it stops and does the this summersault like its some kind of gymnast. I didn't cause it to react that way, it was just something that happened naturally during the moment I saw him. Weeks passed by and I saw this guy in the hallway. I always looked the opposite way or take a longer route in the halls. I just can't imagine standing in front of him or being in his presence. I just get really nervous, stupid I know. So I tell my close friends about this and I point him out to them. one of them decided to 'put me on' and she begins to text him on snapchat, pretending to be me. Turns out this guy that I find extremely attractive is a junior. It sorta crushed me knowing after 12th grade I won't see him anymore. He knows my name, he says it vaguely familiar since my friends have told him to meet me, but he doesn't know what I look like. I've never dated in my life and the only thing I'm afraid of is rejection. I know I'm very mature for my age because many people have told me about it but there's a two year age gap between us and I don't think he would want me. I don't know if I should put my fear aside and talk to him or text him or just stare from afar, dreaming a fairytale that most likely will never happen. What should I do???