Daddy duty- how long do u let your baby cry with dad? Suggestions on daddy night routine without sports?


My hubby tries to help with the baby after work and some nights (depending on what sports are on, which is annoying because why are u only more motivated to stay up when u can watch a game with the baby?!) he is more agreeable to stay up with him til 11 or 12 or even just 10. I usually pump after dinner and then baby gets a bottle and gets put to bed by him. I keep telling him listening to loud sports in the bright living room is not a good night time routine and perhaps that’s why the baby is not in a routine ? He thinks our almost 8 week old is too young to be put on a routine and can’t tell what room hes in. So I let him be and half of the week he can get the baby to sleep but usually he will come and I’ll have to top off the baby or it’s 10 or 11 pm and no sports are on and he’s tired and Needs sleep for work so will give the baby to me. I go back to work in a month and I am getting so anxious how that will work because I feel like I’m running on fumes now 😟 which is fine when I’m home and can nap during the day so I try not to give him a hard time but now that work is coming up for me I really want to get on a routine.

Tonight the baby was wailing for like 20 min maybe longer or shorter I Don’t even know because to me him crying that hard even for a second is gut wrenching and makes me so sad so I finally got up and was like lemme try to help. My hubby got so upset and took it as I don’t think he can take care of the baby and then stormed off to sleep and didn’t even want to rinse out the bottle or grab the baby monitor for the night or full the humidifier- all things I reminded him of before bed. I am grateful he wants to help but what am I supposed to do just listen to my baby screaming in the next room for an hour ? Friday’s and Saturday’s he says he will stay up longer well he ended up going to bed before me again and I’m up after putting the baby down now frustrated with him and unable to sleep😐

How do u ladies handle you baby and hubby for daddy duty? Any tips on daddy night routine?