28 wks pregnant & worried about hyperactive throid


Hi ladies, I'm currently 28 weeks (1st pregnancy) and was recently informed by my OB that my thyroid level is high. I believe this is the first time during my prenancy that my thyroid level was checked. My hyperactive thyroid has been in remission for the past 10 years without medication. For the past 10 years, I have had annual labwork and ultrasounds to make sure my thyroid levels remain within the normal range. Up to this point, through other bloodwork and ultrasounds, I've been told the baby has been healthy. I was always informed that my hyperactive thyroid could return if I were to get pregnant. So when my doctor called, I shrugged it off thinking, "alright I knew this." Then later that night, I ended up googling the effects of a hyperactive thyroid during pregnancy. Why did I do that? Up to this point, I have remained calm throughout the pregnacy. Now, I'm constantly worried about what this news could mean for my baby. My next OB apt is on Tuesday and it seems so far away right now. Any else had a similar experience? If so, would you mind sharing it? I would greatly appreciate it. Also, I would love to hear how someone of you have coped with any worrisome thoughts you've had throughout your pregnancy. Thank you for your time. ❤