Let me tell y’all!!

Sylvana • I’m here to get through this crazy thing we call life

I just went through 6 sets of batteries..

BUT! It was well worth it.

See let me tell y’all! My mans and I haven’t done the deed in over a week..

Alright I understand some women have gone longer blah blah blah but it’s hard for us to go this long though we suck it up especially in times like these where he is gone for work.


I finally decided that I needed to cum. Well I grab my handy dandy magic vibrator and get to work!

OH MY LAWWWD!! Y’all I nearly saw the light at the end of the tunnel! It felt so damn amazing!

Moral of the story: If you haven’t cum in over a week and you’re about to explode, be prepared to make a trip to the store for more batteries the next day!

That’s all for tonight ladies (and some gents). Just needed to spread the word about going through so many batteries! 😜