Pregnancy has turned me into a Homebody


Ever since finding out I am pregnant a few weeks ago I haven’t wanted to get together with friends because I am (was) a big drinker and everything we do with friends involves drinking and if I don’t drink I know it will totally give it away. I tried the fake drinking thing for a night the day after getting my Bfp and I found it annoying and exhausting and I don’t even think it worked as the friend it was with seems to have probably caught on. The second time we hung out with friends was last week at a brewery so I drank water and claimed I was on a diet and craft beer was a no as well as driving but I know our friends totally knew as that isn’t something I would ever give up for a diet and I never drive when we go out. I am almost 7 weeks and don’t want to just stay home and not see people for the next 6 weeks especially with the holidays coming up! How do I get through this without just telling everyone???