BFP 😍😍😍

I’m sharing on here because I can’t tell anyone yet! I had a chemical pregnancy in September and have been waiting and waiting for my next period so we could start trying again... and still nothing! So today marks 51 days into my cycle so I decided to take a cheap test. I tried two first response ones earlier this week (which came back negative) so I figured the cheap one would be the best route not to waste money on yet another negative test. My husband discovered it (opps) and was like “no way” to which I responded “oh quit I know it’s negative”! I look and there’s a second line!!

Then my next thought is, naw it’s probably outside the time frame and a mistake. So later tonight I ran to Meijer to grab a digital to see if it was legit. (Also all my digital tests came back negative during my chemical) Its a two pack so I couldn’t help but take on tonight!

I’m still in shock! This will be baby #2 for us

This beautiful almost 15 month old baby is going to be a big sister 😍

Praying this baby sticks 🤞🏻🙏🏻