Sleep training a one year old


Hey gals! I need some advice on sleep training my son. For the longest time we’ve had the same routine down. Read, bath, bottle, bed. He always falls asleep in my

arms as I feed him his bottle. Then i place him down in his crib. We never have an issue with over nights. However i want to be able to put him in his bed awake and to fall asleep on his own. Tonight was the first night I fed him his bottle and then directly placed him down. He was hysterical at first but then after a few mins calmed down. After a little bit I had to occasionally touch him. I sat at the very end of my bed to be near his crib until he passed out completely (40 min). I did read that I should place a chair in the room and every night move the chair back a little until the chair is completely out of the room, but his room is too small! It seems like sitting at the edge of bed will do good for now but looking for some suggestions and tips from you ladies to help us achieve our goal! Thank you!!