Troubles with birth control :(


So this might be a lengthy story, but I kinda don’t know what to do 😅 So I’ve had my period since I was 13, (I’m 19 now) and every time I got my period i would have pretty bad cramps but over time they got a lot worse. I would have stomach cramps, back pain, nausea, I couldn’t eat without pain, my thighs would be cramping, etc. Growing up I wasn’t able to get birth control cause my parents always just assumed it was for sex and stuff, but since i’m in my second year of college and I’m living on my own, my boyfriend told me to go to the doctor cause I shouldn’t be in so much pain.

So I went to the doctor and explained everything, told him not only did I want to get on it for extra protection, but it was mainly to help with my cramps. He asked about my cycle and if I’m on any medication (Earlier in the year I had a concussion and was prescribed almotriptan for my migraines but I never take it cause it didn’t help). He gave me 3 months of Lolo which my best friend is also on, and honestly, it started great.

I started it on the first Sunday after my period started (it was the second day of my period) and I had no cramps and really light bleeding, my period was 5 days as usual, and all went well. I ended my period and not even two weeks later I got it again with very mild cramping, (it was more uterine lining shedding than blood) but I knew it’s normal to get my period again cause my body’s getting used to the hormones and stuff so I let it go. But again, a few days later my period came again with stronger cramping and again I brushed it off, cause at this point although my best friend said it was kinda weird since she’s on the same bc and she’s never experienced this, I took into consideration that we have different cycles and whatever, so..

BUT yesterday I was at my boyfriends house and I got extremely nauseated almost to the point of throwing up and I got my period again along with a hell of a lot of pain again, I have cramps in my legs, stomach and back. At this point I’m sitting in my bed not wanting to move because it hurts the more I move. My boyfriend told me to go back to the doctor cause again, I shouldn’t be in so much pain, but idk if it’s just because my body’s still getting used to the pills?

Part of me doesn’t want to go yet because I’m only a week into my second pack and I might still be adjusting to the hormones, but I also feel like the doctor will just tell me to finish my pills then go back to him.. and I’m not pregnant either, on top of the pill, my bf and I have constantly been using condoms as usual and they’ve never broken or had any faults.

What should I do?? Should I just wait it out and hope my body adjusts or should I go back to the doctor??? Some period days are bleeding, but most days it’s just “the brown stuff”/uterine lining shedding

Any advice helps ❤️❤️❤️