What I'm not sure of

Fatima • happily engaged will be married as soon as planned. Hoping for what the future holds on to.

Well I'm doing my best to fall asleep for work tomorrow 😩 I start at 11 am and won't be out till 5 pm but work is work and glad I have a job for the good purpose to it.. but I have been thinking if I should take vitamins and folic acid when I get my first paycheck I'm not sure if I should buy some then.. and not sure when I should be taking them... but I do plan for dieting and only eating and drinking healthy for I made a list of the times and drinks I should take 👇🏻down below👇🏻

I want to start doing this so that not only will I become healthy but for hopefully in the future is what my hopefully soon to be healthy..

Please tell me what you think I should do.