I got so excited for sex I nicked my pussy! 😟


After a lull lately, my fiancé approached me for some playtime while our baby slept

I pretty much jumped for joy and quickly located my bikini trimmer so I could cull the minor jungle that had begun to rise lately due to neglect

I grabbed it and attempted to do something I'd never done before. I entered the steamy shower with my trimmer in hand

And, with my sex-brain fog, instead of leaning over and looking, I foolishly used my free hand to navigate while I waved the trimmer around in the general area.

That's when it happened. The trimmer nicked my labia minora!

It actually didn't hurt too bad, but there was blood beading at the site. Sexxxxxxxy!

Ah well. After pressing a tissue there a moment or two, realising a stitch wasn't needed or anything, we went ahead and did the deed anyway

It's the next day now, and so far no stinging

Do you have a sex-related-injury tale to tell?