We just want to update everyone on the amazing arrival of our sweet Kressly Jo Ruffing


We just want to update everyone on the amazing arrival of our sweet Kressly Jo Ruffing. 

Our day started at 3:30AM at home, when my water bag ruptured in the middle of the night. Woke me up out of a dead sleep thinking I needed to go to the bathroom. Boy was I wrong! 20 minutes of me contemplating on whether I should just shower and go back to bed or wake Devin up, I decided to wake Devin up, get the ball rolling. I hopped in the shower while Dev woke up. We gathered our bags, the car seat and put Lucki Belle in the living room and headed to the hospital. Dev and I talked the whole way to the hospital because my blood pressure was out the roof. We made it to the hospital and went in to L&D; (Labor and Delivery) and I was admitted because of my high Ph balance and waited to move to a delivery room. They started the Pitocin to induce me at 6:00AM and we made it to 20 on the Pitocin and was dilated 4 cm. I started having to breath through hard contractions so we started the epidural and I was good to go until about 5:30PM and the hard labor came in. Devin coached me through the hard contractions and we made it to 6:20PM. The care team came in and called the doctor because of lots of pressure and feeling the need to push. K-Jo was ready to make her grand appearance. Doctor came in and four hard pushes later she made her arrival. Coming in at 5 lbs. 10 1/2 oz. and 19 inches long, our baby girl cried her first big cry.