Anyone else have random bleeding?

Kelsey • Baby Girl #1 was born 10/5/17 Baby Girl #2 was born 2/15/19 😊
I'm 3 weeks postpartum and the last few days my bleeding really tapered down, to the point of needing just a small-ish liner and the blood was pink. Friday my dogs needed to go outside and I live in MN which got hit with snow that day so I didn't want to drag my 3 week old out with me. Long story short, I ran about a block with the dogs because I was paranoid leaving my baby sleeping in her bassinet alone. The whole thing was about 1-2 minutes but I've been bleeding much heavier today and passing small clots. The blood is also red now.

Did I overdo it or has this randomly happened to anyone else? I'm hoping I didn't cause any damage. I also had a 2nd degree tear.