Cellulite Stereotype


Ok so sorry for the underwear pic but I figured this was a pretty strong message that I wanted to get across. I'm between 5'6" and 5'7" and 105 lbs. I have a BMI in the 16s and am technically considered underweight. I have a pretty low body fat percentage (somewhere between 13-15%) eat clean, and workout 5-6 times a week. And guess what? I still have cellulite. I think so many people associate cellulite with being out of shape of overweight, but it really has more to do with how women carry our fat. Do not feel ashamed of having some dimples on your butt or your thighs. I think a lot of times we just constantly see women with great bodies that have either been photoshopped or seriously know how to work their angles and we forget that no one is perfect.