Baby shower

When did you ladies start planning your baby showers? 2 of my aunts and my mother are hosting the shower but I'm helping get ideas from Pinterest and stuff to go with the theme.. and I'm helping with the invitation list, things like that.

I'm not due till April but my doctor also said he's not sure I'll carry full term due to being high risk and some other issues but anyway I plan on having my shower February 17th. I feel like I should start planning now seeing how the holidays are coming up and I won't have time then plus it's like time flies during the holidays so I feel like I'll be planning last minute if I don't start now. But at the same time I feel like it's so early since I'm only 16 weeks right now.

Any tips on baby showers/planning? And what were some food/games you ladies have had/plan on having.

Thanks in advance ladies! 💕