Alcohol When TTC


I'm a daily drinker. Beer is my go-to after a stressful day (which seems like everyday) and I usually consume 3-6 beers a night, obviously more on the weekends during our game nights with friends or movie marathons. Some might say I'm a functioning alcoholic but I don't cross certain lines like drinking and driving or drinking at work. My tolerance is high so 6 beers will relax me but not get me buzzed. The reason I'm going into all of this is my husband and I share this same lifestyle and while we're not necessarily trying to conceive just yet we're also not preventing pregnancy. The hubby and I have had quite a few discussions about this and we are willing to adapt when we're ready to get serious about pregnancy. We've seen hardcore alcoholics and drug users get pregnant so we are unsure if our lifestyle could hinder our ability to do so too. My question is how much of an impact does my drinking have on conceiving? Does the hubby's drinking also play a role?