Ok so... I’m a horrible storyteller lol so I’m just going to give dates as well so you can understand more in detail...

I had sex twice before my AF (on 11/12 & 11/13). My af started on 11/16 and lasted till 11/20. I had sex again on 11/22.

Now the next day (11/23) I started to feel very mild cramping on the left side and they may last for about 20 mins then it’ll go away and it happened maybe 2-3 times a day for about four days. I also had lower back pain and mild headaches off and on but not too frequently. Now I also had sex on 11/25 (during the mild cramping). Then the cramping had stopped for about two days and I just had sex again last night 😌 and start to feel these cramps again earlier today.

So on that note can anybody give me some advice on what they think could be going on PPLLEEAASE!!! I don’t want to get to anxious because my fiancé and I also just started ttc our 2nd child for about a month now so I’m like COULD IT BE?!??🤔🤔🤔🤔😩😩😩

S/N: I got pregnant with my first child a a day before I got my af because I was ovulating during the time of my af according to the doctors 🙃