My son was being watched by my parents while I was at work, while I was driving home I guess someone looked away and he managed to pull up on a chair and pull it back and fall and hit his head on the tile. He was hysterical for about 5 minutes after I got there, they likely weren't honest about how long before that it had happened. His eyes are dilating properly when I check them, but he had a goose egg on the back of his head, and his face is splotchy red, in extremely worried and waiting for a call back from the doc on call. Anyone have experience with this? What can I look for? Currently getting him dressed for bed, he's asleep, but would've been tired right now anyway so it's hard to know if that's a symptom. I have been icing it since I got home and am getting a new pack before i try to nurse him here in a minute. HELP PLEASE!! He is 10 months and I'm a FTM.