how do I get my fiance on the same page?


my fiance goes for his reversal next week now he got this done way before he met me. He has his reasons and that's his business I will not share. But we both had agreements before getting married. His was wanting to wait a year after were married to have a baby (our wedding is next year) Mine was that I wanted his reversal done sometime before we get married. We both agreeded. But here's my concern since I went to the doctors with him to talk about getting it done. since he's had it done for so many years there's only a 30% chance and I feel like the doctor was being nice with that number. and I feel with that and him getting older my chances are going to be slim to none. I don't have any kids and all I've ever wanted was to be mom. I haven't talked to him yet but I want to start trying when he is healed and everything. but how do i get him to understand my concerns and why I want to try to start now.