Needing Some Guidance...

Adrianne • 💕Young&&Beautiful💕 3 previous miscarriages and 2 ectopic. Pregnant 🌈👶 Due March 2020❤️❤️💋

Okay, I'm apologizing in advance because this is going to be a long post. So I have been with my SO for 4years and we have been through some ups and downs. I'm 26 and he is 30.We have gone through infidelity on his part and mine. Also we have gone through losing 2 kids together and the last one almost cost me my life and having a long distance relationship due to financial hardship. Which brings me to the point of this post. When we first met I was honest with him that I hated my home town (ARIZONA) and that it's my goal/dream to be able to travel for work. Which is one of the reasons I work in healthcare. I told him I didn't want to live and die in my home state. He said okay and I said to him if that we get serious and start dating would you be willing to move with me and travel with me and he said yes. Now I moved away for financial reasons and came back to give him time to get things in order so he could move out of state with me. And now he has excuses on why he can't move and why I should stay (When he knows I'm unhappy). Am I being selfish if I move without him again and just ended our relationship? due to him not keeping his word and other factors like the woman he cheated with is saying that she had his baby but he swears he used a condom. But he won't do a DNA test because I told him if it is his baby that we are over. So should I stay and try to do a long distance relationship or call it quits.