

Hey guys! Currently not really ttc, but plan on it in the beginning of 2018. I’m just wonder what and how you guys are eating. Sounds stupid, I KNOW. But I was always bigger. Alwayssss. A few years ago (times flies so now its more like 7-8yrs ago) I lost a lot of weight. I’m talking 112lbs. Everything was great. Fast forward two years to when my husband was in a bad accident and I dropped everything to care for him and help him along in recovering. I ate anything. Didn’t exercise. Had doctors appointments and PT so I usually just grabbed whatever snack junk or fast food I could to at least have something in my stomach. Shocking I know, gained weight back. Now recently I lost weight again. Enough was enough. My husband has always wanted kids and now since neither of us are getting any younger I figure there’s never a perfect time but we’re more settled in life so why not. I also used it to my advantage since I wanted to be in a healthy stage in life physically before starting on this journey. I’ve been following a much healthier lifestyle than the past years but I’m still not sure how much eating changes while Pregnant. I’ve seen “a woman only needs about an extra 300 calories!” And then I’ve seen women using the “hey I’m pregnant, I’m eating for two now!” To devour an entire chocolate cake. So here I am sitting pondering do I eat until I’m full....do I only eat 300 extra calories?! I certainly know I COULD but would not gorge myself with a whole cake though.

This probably sounds idiotic, and I’m sure I’ll mostly get replies if you eat until your body isn’t hungry. Makes sense. I’m just trying to get a heads up considering I know I’ll gain weight throughout it all. I just don’t want to let myself get comfortable and let myself go again just because I’d be growing another human.

Also, I apologize if I’ve posted in the wrong place!